One of the most profound challenges insurance agencies face is attracting new clients. Whether you own or operate a regional or national insurance agency, there is no doubt you are always facing intense competition from other agencies. As for individuals looking for insurance, they generally do their research online through search engines. Therefore, it’s important to have amazing SEO.
To stay ahead of the curve and provide themselves with a competitive advantage, insurance agencies can invest in SEO to drive traffic and bring in more clients. Knowing how to get your agency’s content ranking on top search engines is an incredibly powerful tool that many insurance agencies are starting to utilize. In this article, we discuss why insurance agencies should invest in SEO, how SEO works, and some SEO services specifically for the insurance industry.
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Why Insurance Agencies Should Invest In SEO
1. Google Dominates Search Engines
For anyone looking to take advantage of insurance SEO, one thing you must know is that Google is by far the most widely used search engine. Just in July 2020, Google accounted for nearly 87% of all searches conducted on the internet, which is an incredibly significant portion of the search engine pie. Today, more and more people research companies online, with Google being their go-to source, which is why you want content that ranks well on Google’s search engine.
2. Generates Free Traffic For Your Business
Improving your agency’s Google rankings means more eyes will be on your content, which generates a constant stream of inbound traffic to your insurance agency’s website. Over 25% of people click on the first Google result they get, which makes getting your website’s content ranking towards the top of the first page an incredibly useful digital marketing tool. Likewise, when you are generating more leads, you have a much greater opportunity for conversion.
3. Insurance Companies Can Get Quick Results
Small insurance companies hold a significant advantage over other companies when it comes to generating results in Google’s search rankings. Since you are primarily competing against other personalized and localized agencies, rather than competing against national agencies, you can quickly gain a competitive advantage in local SEO if other local agencies are not yet utilizing local search. You could even get your local agency to Google’s front page in as little as a month with the right expertise.
How SEO For Insurance Agencies Works
1. Finding Keywords
The first step to any SEO strategy should begin with keyword research. Keywords are the exact words or phrases people are using when searching for your particular service and are essential for SEO content. Keywords can be a specific word or two or can range up to long-form phrases. A typical local search inquiry for an insurance agency could include: “auto insurance company in Philadelphia” or “local health insurance company in San Francisco.”
When researching keywords, you will more than likely something about the insurance industry that you would otherwise not expect. Although these details may seem unimportant, they can be pivotal in your SEO strategy and your search engine results. It is not only helpful at crafting your SEO strategy but helps you identify hidden market opportunities as well.
2. Generating Optimized Content
Once keyword research is complete, you can then begin optimizing your website with thought leadership content that contains those specific keywords or phrases. Modern SEO strategies center around providing customers with high-quality content. Ultimately, the goal of your website’s content is to provide searchers with useful information that forms trust and encourages them to contact you for more details.
Web pages you should optimize include the homepage, which is the focal point of your business. Additionally, should always look crisp and professional, service pages, and other content pages, such as blog posts or FAQs. You should have a Google My Business page, which is essentially a mini-website in the “Map” section of Google that as an additional rankings boost on the website. People can vet businesses much easier on the internet, which is why it is paramount to distinguish your insurance agency as an industry-leading and trustworthy source.
3. Tracking Online Results
The only way to know if your SEO endeavors are working is by tracking your online results. Google Analytics is one of the best ways to track your results. There you can see your website’s total traffic, traffic from each landing page, and the percentage of visitors who visited through Google search.
More importantly, Google Analytics can track conversions, so you can clearly see which services drive the most conversions, which pages have the highest conversion rates, and which pages have the lowest. You can then use that information to re-optimize your content, so your Google Rankings increase even further.
SEO Services For Insurance Companies
A prosperous SEO strategy relies on a variety of factors. Everything from your landing page to the contact page, to any off-page SEO content, should be optimized accordingly to drive traffic to your website. Likewise, there are insurance industry-specific SEO services that must be included to maximize your agency’s relevancy in search results, which will establish your agency as an industry leader and a reliable source. These include:
- SEO audit
- Keyword research
- Meta description optimization
- Google My Business optimization
- Competitor SEO monitoring
- Local Search Optimization
- Lead and revenue tracking
- Tracking phone vs computer conversion rates
- Sitemap creation
- And more
There is no doubt SEO can be great for insurance agencies looking to increase site traffic and conversion rates. When done correctly, SEO can have a profound impact on ROI and ensure your agency portrays itself as an industry leader, with the kind of expertise consumers can trust. However, the success of your SEO strategy depends on the content you produce. Without a strong understanding of SEO concepts, your SEO initiative could fall short of expectations. To ensure that is not that case, you can always entrust your SEO services to an SEO company with the right expertise.
If you want to learn how you could take SEO to the next level, contact us to learn more.